Drop-Down Steel Horse Stall Front & Door Package
Only available with purchase of a Barn Pros structure
This stall front spans a 12′ opening. Door measures 4′ x 7′, with a drop-down grill that opens fully across the top of the stall door. Simple and effective, the easy slide and single-handed operation gives you great flexibility when using the drop-down feature; added to this, the track is self-cleaning. Our stall front packages consist of American-made, powder-coated galvanized steel components and our high quality Barn Pros lumber and everything needed to install this package in your new or existing barn. Sturdy enough to withstand use and time, these frames are powder-coated coated and any exposed edges that might tempt a horse to chew on the wood are covered. The grill is constructed of 1 3/8″ steel tubes, spaced every 4 inches (2 3/8″ between bars) and fully welded into machined holes to prevent spinning.
83″L x 37″H stall front grill with feeder window 52″W x 84″H drop-down stall door 10″ round track Trolley End caps 19 pieces of 2×6 Doug Fir tongue and groove 1 pieces of pressure treated 2×6 Doug Fir tongue and groove